The Cradle of Civilization: Exploring the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas

Content Strategist: Ismail Zainab Oyiza B.

Researcher: Alabi Fawaz Olamilekan 

Blog Editor: Alabi Fawaz Olamilekan 

The Latin America Region and History

     Latin America is a region in the Americas where Romance languages, mainly Spanish and Portuguese, Italian and Romanian are spoken. French is also spoken in some areas. 

The term originated in 19th century France to denote areas previously ruled by Spanish, Portuguese and French empires. Latin america has a varied population in terms of ancestry in which the main groups are the Red Indians (Amerinids), Whites (Iberians), the blacks and people of mixed ancestry.

It includes most of South America, Central America, and Mexico, along with some Caribbean islands. There are divided into 33 countries in total of which 20 speaks Romance language. Brazil is the largest and most populated country in Latin America.

After its discovery by the Spaniards and the Portuguese (Christopher Columbus) in 1492. It came to be divided between the two Iberian powers whereby Portugal was being allocated eastern part of south america and Spain west of it by the treaty of Tordesillas in 1494.

Picture of the statue of Christopher Columbus

Picture of a Compass


     Latin America is known for its rich cultural diversity, influenced by indigenous traditions, European colonization, and African heritage. This is reflected in music, art, cuisine, and literature. Carnivals, like the one in Rio de Janeiro, are famous celebrations.

Economy and Geography

     The economies of Latin America are varied, with some countries rich in natural resources and others focused on agriculture or manufacturing. The region faces challenges like poverty and income inequality. Geographically, it's incredibly diverse with mountains, rainforests, deserts, and beaches. The Amazon rainforest is a major ecological feature.

There are many fascinating ancient civilizations that thrived in Latin America, but here we are going to be looking into these three which are the most well known.

1. The Aztec Empire of Mexico

2. The Inca Empire Of Peru and 

3. The Maya Civilization

The Aztec People of Mexico 

      The Aztec Empire, reigned from 1300 to 1521, it was a powerful Mesoamerican civilization centered in what is now central Mexico. The Aztecs,also known as Mexica, were one of several Nahuatl-speaking groups in central Mexico. Its flourishing capital (Tenochtitlan) was called the "Venice of the new world" by the Spanish and it was founded in 1325 on an island in Lake Texcoco.

Legend has it that their patron god "Huitzilopochtli", instructed them to build it where they saw an eagle perched on a cactus devouring a snake, and from there they gradually extend to other regions around the lake through alliances and conquests, particularly under ruler Itzcoatl (1428-1440). The Aztec Empire itself was actually a Triple Alliance formed in 1427 with two other city-states, Texcoco and Tlacopan. This alliance system was common in Mesoamerica.

Society and Culture

Aztec society was hierarchical, with a ruling elite class of warriors and priests. commoners included farmers, artisans, and merchants. They owned schools, zoo and a market. They produced great jewelry and ornaments made from precious stones, metals,animal skins and for ritual use.

Religion played a central role in Aztec life. They practiced a polytheistic religion with a vast pantheon of gods and goddesses. Human sacrifice was a ritual performed to appease the deities and ensure cosmic order. For instance, They believed that "Huitzipotchtli" (symbol of the sun) their war god and the chief deity of their pantheon died every evening and is to be reborn the following day by being nourished a constant supply of human blood. Most of the sacrifice victims are their enemies, slaves captured from wars, prisoners or as tributary which they demanded from their vassals.

Picture of a typical Aztec god

Also, they possess a ritual calendar and they mark a ritual event by a ceremony called "tying up of the years" in which on the mountain of Huixachtecatl priests lits the new fire on a human victim breast. This sacrifice is a notable feature of their religious life.

The Aztecs were accomplished architects and engineers. They built magnificent temples, palaces, and public works, including an extensive network of canals, causeways and stone ditches which brought water to their capital (Tenochtitlan). They were also skilled artists, sculptors, and writers, leaving behind a rich legacy of art and literature.


They were the farmers in north america and by 3500B.C they were growing squash, corn and beans. They built chimanpa i.e artificial islands of matted reeds surfaced with muds which were used to grow vegetables and flowers for their market in tenochtitlan.

They believed agriculture had been taught by "Quetzalcoatl" their god of learning and priesthood whom had once lived among them during a former "Golden age" on earth. The golden age had ended when Quetzalcoatl offended a superior deity and was driven our from Mexico but as he left he promised he would return to visit them again.

The Fall of the Empire

The arrival of Spanish conquistadors led by Herman Cortés in 1519 marked a turning point. Hernan Cortés exploited existing rivalries among conquered tribes to gain allies against the Aztecs and also a devastating smallpox outbreak further weakened the Aztec population. Tenochtitlan fell to the Spanish in 1521, marking the end of the Aztec Empire.

The Aztec Empire left a lasting impact on Mexico and the broader Mesoamerican region. Their cultural influence is still evident today in language, cuisine, and traditions.

Typical picture of what Herman Cortes conquest of Mexico looks like

The Inca People of Peru

The Inca people were originally a tribe or small group of "Quechua" speaking Indians who lived in central andean islands of Peru. The name "Inca" is used for prince or male of royal blood. The Inca civilization, flourishing in Peru between 1400 and 1533 CE, was remarkable for its rise to power and the vast empire it built. The Incas built south america greatest ancient empire which lasted until the Spanish conquest in "1532"

Picture of what the spanish conquistadors ships look like.

The Incas, centered in "Cusco" which is their capital, they conquered and assimilated their neighbors, forming Tawantinsuyu," The Realm of the Four Parts," at its peak stretching from Ecuador to Chile. This vast empire, the largest in pre-columbian america,incorporated diverse regions and cultures.

Between 1438 and 1458 under Pachatutec they won a control of 600miles stretch of the peruvians highlands and in the 1460's Pachatutec son Tupac/tọpa conquered the coastal Chimu (the most powerful tribe as at that time). By the beginning of the 16th century the Inca empire stretched more than 2,000 miles from Ecuador in the north to Chile.

Engineering Marvels

     The Incas were brilliant engineers,they constructed a network of stone acqueduct, roads, bridges, and agricultural terraces that allowed for efficient communication, trade, and food production. Their precious stonework, without the use of the wheel or metal tools, is precise and awe-inspiring, seen in structures like "Machu Picchu".

Picture of The machu Picchu 


     The Incas developed innovative techniques to cultivate crops in the harsh Andean environment. They were skilled farmers and made use of raised terraces (andenes) to maximize land usage and irrigation systems to bring water to their fields. They even experimented with different microclimates, planting crops best suited to specific elevations 

Social Structure

      Inca society was hierarchical, with the (Sapa Inca), the emperor, at the top. Religion played a central role, with the sun god Inti revered as the supreme deity. Their society was highly organised in which the monarch or emperor was the total, supreme and absolute head. He was seen as god on earth, personification of sun and the supreme deity.

All lands belonged to the emperor and were divided into three parts i.e one for the emperor, the gods and one for the farmer, the lands were divided into provinces and a governor was appointed responsible to the central government at the capital at Cusco. The common people worked on building projects and were made to serve in the army. The lands of the aged and the sick were worked on by the people who are fit.

They possess a magnificent road system which fostered easy communication although Incas did not have a written language, but used a complex system of knotted cords, "Quipu" for record-keeping, archives and communication.

Picture of what a quipu looks like

The Inca Legacy

      The Spanish conquest in 1532 brought a tragic end to the Inca empire. However, the Inca civilization left a profound legacy. Their architectural achievements, agricultural techniques, and social organization continue to influence the region today. 

The Ancient Maya Civilization 

     The Maya civilisation were an impressive civilization that thrived in mesoamerica (modern day mexico and central america) for centuries. This ancient civilisation flourished in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras where they built great temple cities. The geography and climate of the Maya region include volcanic mountains, scrubs, and tropical rain forests.

A tradition believed that the Maya civilisation lasted for about 2,000 years from before the time of christ until the Spanish conquest in the "16th" century. Another account asserts that the Maya had lived in western central america for at least 3,000 years.

Picture of Maya Civilization Bas Reliefs 

However, the Maya civilization reached its apex and climax between 300 and 800A.D the descendants of Maya still lived in this region and they are known as "Quiche".

The long centuries that resulted in the Classic Maya civilization has been classified as the "Formative" or "Pre-classic period" and archaeologist have categorised and divided these period into three parts namely: The Early Formative (2500-900B.C), Middle Formative (900-300B.C) and Late Formative (300B.C-300A.D).

Typical Picture of Maya Civilization Temple

The Maya believe in pantheon of gods and worshipped a variety of deities linked to nature. e.g Itzamna which is the god of knowledge, Kinich ajaw which is the sun god essential for life and agriculture, Huracan which is the storm god associated with wind, sky and creation, Ixchel the goddess of moon and goddess of childbirth etc.

The Maya civilization,flourishing in Mesoamerica for over 2,000 years, left behind a remarkable legacy of intellectual achievements. They were keen observers of the natural world and developed sophisticated systems in:


     The Maya had a deep understanding of the cosmos. They developed a complex two-calendar system, one a 260-day ritual calendar and the other a 365-day solar calendar. Their observations allowed them to predict celestial events, such as eclipses, with remarkable accuracy. These were important for religious ceremonies and agricultural planning. The Caracol observatory at Chichen Itza is a testament to their astronomical knowledge. 


     The Maya used a base-20 number system, with dots and bars representing numbers. They developed a sophisticated concept of zero, which allowed them to make immense calculations sometimes based on millions and predated the concept developed in Europe by several centuries. Their advanced mathematics were essential for their astronomical calculations and creating their calendar. The most amusing of their achievements were their incredible accurate observations of the movements of the moon and venus.


     The Maya had no alphabet but they developed a complex writing system of hieroglyphs, which consisted of over 800 glyphs. These glyphs could represent words, syllables, or even logograms. The writing system was used to record history, mythology, and rituals. Unfortunately, only a portion of Maya writing has been deciphered.

Picture of Maya Civilization hieroglyphics 

hey owned a sacred book "Popul Vuh" which was written in pictures instead of words. Most of their books were later destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors.


     The Maya were skilled architects and engineers. They built grand cities with temples, palaces, and observatories. Their pyramid temples built with limestones were remarkable feats of engineering, built without the use of metal tools and designed with paintings of scenes from their history. it is important to note that they didn't live in these cities but lived in nearby villages. Thus,they limestones cities built were used for religious purpose, rites and ceremonies.


     The Maya civilization produced a vast and impressive body of art, encompassing everything from large-scale sculptures and architectural decoration to delicate painted ceramics and intricate jade jewelry. Their art served a variety of purposes, including commemorating rulers, recording history, and expressing religious beliefs.

The Maya were skilled sculptors who worked in a variety of materials, including limestone, sandstone, and volcanic rock. Some of their most famous sculptures are stelae, tall, upright slabs of stone that often depict rulers or gods. These stelae are often elaborately carved with scenes from Maya mythology and history.

The Maya also used stucco, a type of plaster, to create high-relief sculptures that adorned the walls of their buildings. These reliefs often depicted scenes from Maya mythology, rituals, and everyday life.

The Maya were also skilled painters, and they created colorful murals on the walls of their temples, palaces, and other buildings. These murals depicted a wide range of subjects, including religious ceremonies, battles and scenes from court life.

 Pictures of Maya Civilization Pottery work 

Maya ceramics were not only functional but also beautiful works of art. Maya potters created a wide variety of shapes and sizes of vessels, which they decorated with geometric designs, images of people and animals, and scenes from mythology.

The Maya also produced a small number of codices, which are folding books made of paper made from tree bark. These codices contain hieroglyphic writing and paintings that depict religious ceremonies, rituals, and historical events. Unfortunately, only a handful of Maya codices have survived the Spanish conquest.


     The Maya developed innovative agricultural techniques to sustain their large population. They used a system of raised beds,called milpas, to grow crops such as  corn,beans,and squash. They also developed irrigation systems to control water supplies.

Decline of the Maya civilisation 

     While the Maya civilization itself waned around 900 AD, their legacy has a lasting impact. Their achievements in science, art, agriculture, and social organization continue to be a source of fascination and inspiration.


The Aztec,Inca and Maya civilizations each made significant contributions to the world. They developed complex social structures, impressive architecture, and advanced knowledge in fields like astronomy and mathematics. Their artistic achievements continue to inspire, and their engineering feats remain awe-inspiring. Despite their eventual demise, these civilizations left an enduring mark on latin america, shaping the cultures that rose after them.

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